(Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)
Here are Dr. Grace's 7-steps to cure SIBO
Credit: Shaping the (auto)immune response in the gut: the role of intestinal immune regulation in the prevention of type 1 diabetes
[RS fiber + NSP fiber + SBO probiotic] versus [SAD + antibiotics + parasites/pathogen enteric infections]Dr. BG’s 7-Steps Paleo* Gastro IQ SIBO Protocol
HOW TO CURE SIBO, SMALL BOWEL INTESTINAL OVERGROWTH1. Fermented veggies made the ancient way with organic dirt-covered vegetables, ex. kraut, kvass, kim chee, kefir, etc. Read Sandor Katz.
2. Ancient heirloom potatoes, tubers, roots that are low glycemic index (or high if good insulin sensitivity) and ancient heirloom grains, legumes, lentils/dal that are low glycemic index (or high if good insulin sensitivity), prepared the ancient way (soaked, fermented, etc)
3. Soil-based probiotic 1-2 daily if not severely immune compromised (Bacillus subtilis, Clostridium butyricum, Bifidobacteria longum BB536, Lactobacillus plantarum, etc)
4. Three versions of ‘bionic fiber’ to heal the gut depending what your baseline composition
- VERSION A: Inulin 1-2 TBS + Psyllium (if not allergic) 1 TBS + high ORAC green powder to taste (I like Amazing Grass, LOL) in 2 cups water
- VERSION B [the ‘FAT BURNING’ BIONIC VERSION]: Inulin 1-2 TBS + Acacia Gum 1 TBS + high ORAC green powder in 2 cups water
If no conditions that are contraindicated (see below 5 situations):
VERSION C: Inulin 1 TBS + Psyllium (if not allergic) 1 TBS + Acacia Gum 1 TBS + high ORAC green powder in 2 cups of plenty water [+ 1 to 3 tsp variable fiber]6. Avoid allergenic foods (corn, soy, gluten/wheat, dairy, nuts, egg whites, etc). Avoid GMO products and livestock/poultry fed GMO crops (corn, soy, etc).
7. Heal hormones and immunity — take adrenal support, liver support, antioxidants etc (I use biocurcumin and berberine to combine with anti-microbials/anti-parasitics). Adrenal care is particularly imperative for those with reactive hypoglycemia and BG crashes when they go longer than 3-4 hours between meals.
8. If the above fail, then you have more fastidious overgrowths and require 2-3 rounds of anti-parasitics/anti-microbials/anti-fungals. See what worked for my family and I HERE. If the above still does not fix SIBO, then consider mercury toxicity. Mercury saturates and kills microvilli in the small intestines and also disables enzymes including digestive enzymes.(*hominids ate SGG small grass grains in the Paleo times
- Part 1: Don’t Take Resistant Starch Alone and Other Precautions; RS2 Needs to Be Taken With Other Fiber To Spread Fermentation Completely Across the Entire Colon
- Part 2: Real Food Resistant Starch (RS3) Trumps High-Dose Potato Starch Diet To Expand the Lean and Immunoprotective Core Microbiota (Roseburia, Eubacteria, F. prausnitzii, Bifidobacteria)
- Part 3: Don’t Take Resistant Starch If You Have Moderate to Severe Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Temporarily
- Part 4: Don’t Eat Raw Resistant Starch (RS2) If Pre-Cancerous or Cancerous for Colorectal Cancer, Temporarily
- Part 5: Don’t Take Raw Potato Starch (RPS) Temporarily If You Have an Autoimmune Disorder
- Step One – Eat Fermented Foods
- Step Two – Eat Resistant-Starch-Rich Tubers, Grains, Legumes and Pulses
- Step Three – Eat Soil-Based Probiotics
- Step Four – Eat BIONIC FIBER and Burn Body Fat
- Step Five – Exercise low-moderate intensity one hour daily continuously (10,000 steps)
- Step Six – Avoid allergenic foods (corn, soy, gluten/wheat, dairy, nuts, egg whites, etc). Avoid GMO products and livestock/poultry fed GMO crops (corn, soy, etc)
- Step Seven – Heal hormones and immunity — take adrenal support, liver support, antioxidants etc